Award of Autonomous Status by UGC, New Delhi (2019-20) | Star Education Award- 2023 | Best College Award- 2009-10 | Best Principal Award- 2022 | NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade (Third Cycle-2015-16) | Best College NSS Unit Award by MU (2015-16, 2022-23)| Jagar Janivancha Award (2012-13, 2013-14)
The department is dedicated to fostering an environment of academic excellence and contributing to sustainable economic development in the Konkan region.
The Economics Department aims to produce well-rounded graduates who are not only knowledgeable in economic theories but also equipped to make meaningful contributions to society.
The Department of Economics was established at the inception of the college in 1972. Presently, the college offers a three-year integrated Bachelor of Arts program with Economics as a specialization. After receiving autonomous status, the Economics Department introduced market-oriented curricula, focusing on factors that contribute to the overall development of our students.
The department regularly organizes various activities for the students, such as study tours, student seminars, guest lectures, and more. The faculty members are actively engaged in research. Two faculty members have completed their Ph.D. degrees and have undertaken minor research projects with financial assistance from the UGC and the University of Mumbai. The research projects address local issues.
The department’s areas of expertise include Agricultural Economics, Labor Economics, Industrial Economics, and Public Finance.
Sr. No. | Type of Journal | Author/s | Title of the Paper | Name of Journal/ Proceeding | Year of Publication | Volume and ISSN No. | Impact Factor | Page Nos | Link to Relevant Documents |
1 | Refereed other than CARE and Scopus Indexed | Dr. Rahul V Thoke | Population Resources Management and sustainable Development. | Vidyawarta | April to June 2016 Issue-14,Vol-07 | 23199318 | 3.102 (IIJIF) | 67 to 70 | |
2 | Refereed other than CARE and Scopus Indexed | Dr. Rahul V Thoke | Unemployment and Out Migration From Ratnagiri District | Indian Journal of Applied Research | Volume :6, Issue : 5 May 2016 | 2249-555X | 3.919 | 687 to 690 | |
3 | Refereed other than CARE and Scopus Indexed | Dr. Rahul V Thoke Co author : Dr. A.T.Tawar | Demographic Impact of Out Migration from Ratnagiri district. | Internationa l Journal of Advanced Research | Volume 4,Issue 6, 2016 | 2320-5407 | 5.336 | 2057-2059 | |
4 | Refereed other than CARE and Scopus Indexed | Dr. Rahul V Thoke Co author : Dr. A.T.Tawar | Changing Trends in Fisheries sector in India | Scholarly Research Journal For Interdisciplinary studies | Oct.- Dec 2017, Vol.6/33 | Online 2278-8808 Printed 2349-4766 | 6.177 | 236 - 242 | |
5 | Refereed other than CARE and Scopus Indexed | Dr. Rahul V Thoke | Meaning and Features of Goods and Service tax(GST) | Research journey Multidisciplinary International E-research journal | Special issue 122 A Feb. 2019 | 2348-7143 | 6.261 | 107 to 108 | |
6 | Refereed other than CARE and Scopus Indexed | Dr. Rahul V Thoke & A.T.Tawar | Trends in Development of fishery industry of Maharashtra | Interlink Research Analysis | Year- X, Issue- XX, Vol.- I July 2019 To Dec. 2019 | 0976-0377 | 6.20 (GRIFI) | 171 to 179 | |
7 | Refereed other than CARE and Scopus Indexed | Dr. Rahul V Thoke | Trends in Balance Sheet of Fish Processing Industry in Maharashtra | a multidisciplinary international level referred journal " Journal of Research and Development" | Volume - 11, Issue - 8, April 2021. | 2230-9578 | 5.13 | 19 to 21 | |
8 | Refereed other than CARE and Scopus Indexed | Dr. Rahul V Thoke | "Measures Undertaken by Government for development of Agriculture sector in India" | Journal of Research & Development' A Multidisciplinary International Level Referred and Peer Reviewed Journal | Volume-12, Issue-22 December 2021, | 2230-9578, | 7.265 | 21 & 22 | |
9 | UGC CARE Listed | Dr. Rahul V Thoke | Government Schemes for Fishery Industry | Journal no. 40776) An International Multidisciplinary quarterly Research Journal 'Ajanta' | April - June 2022, Volume - XI, Issue- II | ISSN: 2277-5730 | 2020 - 6.306 | 92 to 97 | |
10 | Proceedings of the Conference | Dr. Rahul V Thoke | Impact of Globalization on Distribution of National Income in India | Amrit Kaal: Dimensions of Sustainable Development in India Compendium of research papers from National conference | February, 2024 | ISBN 13 978-81-92771-4 | -- | 27 to 30 | |
11 | Refereed other than CARE and Scopus Indexed | Dr. Rahul V Thoke | Problems of Fish Processing Industry in Maharashtra | International Journal of Advance and Applied Research (Double-blind Peer Reviewed) | March- April 2024 | ISSN-2347 -7075 | 7.328 (SJIF Evaluation) | 15 to 18 |
Sr.No. | Author/s | Title of the Book | Publisher | Year | ISBN Number | Link to Document |
1 | Amrit Kaal: Dimensions of Sustainable Development in India Compendium of research papers from National conference | Department of Economics Athalye Sapre Pitre College Devrukh | 2023-24 | ISBN 13 978-81-92771-4 |
Sr.No. | Author/s | Title of the Chapter | Title of the Book | Publisher | Year | ISBN Number | Link to Document |
1 | Dr. Rahul Vithalrao Thoke | Impact of Globalization on Distribution of National Income in India | Amrit Kaal: Dimensions of Sustainable Development in India Compendium of research papers from National conference | Department of Economics Athalye Sapre Pitre College Devrukh | 2023-24 | ISBN 13 978-81-92771-4 |
Sr.No. | Title of the Project | Funding Agency | Funds Received | Role | End Date | Duration | Role | Reference No. | Link to Relevant Document |
1 | Unemployment and out Migration from Ratnagiri district | UGC | Rs. 90,000/- approved and Rs.74308/- utilized | September 2009 | September 2011 | Two Years | Principal Investigator | F.23-924/09 | |
2 | Economic condition of Migrated labour in construction industry –a study of Ratnagiri city | Mumbai University | Rs. 40,000/- | June 2013 | July 2014 | One Year | Principal Investigator | APD/237/12 of 2013 |
Year | Organized by | Seminar/workshops | Title of paper |
2010- 11 | Maharshi dayanand college of arts science and commerce | Paper presented in National Level Seminar on "Psychopolitical issues of Migration : Indian scenario"on 28 th-29th January ,2011 | Unemployment and Out Migration From Ratnagiri District |
National Level Seminar on Human Rights |
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2013-14 | Organized by department of Economic,Bhogawati Mahavidyalaya,Kurukali | Two day National Seminar on "General Effects of Liberazation , Privatization & Globalization" on 3rd & 4th October,2013. | Performance of Commercial Banks After Reform Period |
Organized by department of Geography ,Bhogawati Mahavidyalaya,Kurukali. | Two day National conference on Recent trends in tourism, population & Geoinformatics on 11&12th October,2013. | Changing Trends in Demographic features of Ratnagiri District | |
Dept.of Economics , Kalbhor Mahavidyalaya, Loni kalbhor, Tal.Haveli, Dist.Pune. Tal.Haveli, Dist.Pune. | Two day State level seminar on Globalization and Indian Agriculture on 25 and 26 Oct. 2013 | Impact of Globalization on Agriculture credit. | |
2015-16 | Organized by department of Geography Shri.Vijayshinja Yadav Arts & Science College ,Peth Vadagaon,Tal. Hatkanangale,Dist.Kolhapur | Two day National Conference on "Resource Management And Sustainable Development In India" on 18th & 19th December ,2015 | Human Resource Management And Sustainable Development |
2017-18 | Sangmner | International conference on recent trends in Economics, Commerce & Management 01,02 February 2018 | Changing Trends in Fisheries sector in India |
2020-21 | organized by department of sports and IQAC Athalye Sapre Pitre college Devrukh on 23 rd April 2021. | Attended National seminar (online) on Chess - new era in lockdown |
Kankavali college, Kankavali.on 18 th April 2021. | Paper presented in one day international interdisciplinary online conference on Recent trends in social sciences | Trends in Balance Sheet of Fish Processing Industry in Maharashtra | |
2021-22 |
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Chhatrapati shivaji mahavidyalay, Kalam on 28 th December 2021, | Paper presented in one day Multidisciplinary online international conference on "Mahatma Phule, Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj and Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Thoughts and works" | "Measures Undertaken by Government for development of Agriculture sector in India" | |
2023-24 | |||
Athalye Sapre Pitre College, Devrukh, 27th February, 2024. | Presented Research paper in National conference on Amrit Kaal: Dimensions of Sustainable Development in India | Impact of Globalization on Distribution of National Income in India | |
held on 5h April 2024. | Presented Research paper in International Conference on Recent Advancements in Environment, Agriculture & Climatic Change, Economics, Business, Accounting, Management & Entrepreneurship, Science & Technology, Pharmacy & Health Humanities & Social Sciences | Problems of Fish Processing Industry in Maharashtra |